Formerly the district court
Dr. Blumenkampstraat 9
in Venlo


Object information

Dr. Blumenkampstraat 9, 5914 PV Venlo
Current use:
Designated use:
Surface (GFA):
approx. 1,500 m²
Size of plot:
approx. 0.37.50 ha
Year of construction:
approx. 1985

Former district court in Venlo

Please note: This property was sold through an estate agent.

Formerly the district court at Dr. Blumenkampstraat 9 in Venlo, consisting of two floors, with an elevator, basement and on-site parking.
Surface area (GFAm²) GFA = 1,500m² and GLA = 1,283m²
Land registry of the municipality of Venlo section A number 5147

We recommend cooperating with a Dutch partner for more information.


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